Our largest initiative, #EverybodyEats food justice program distributes food to combat hunger in our communities and support local community events, public actions, and citywide mutual aid efforts. We have built a team of farmers, culinary artists, and volunteer gardeners that responsibly steward 1 acre of land and cook nourishing meals for the community. Through this program, we seek to build power, food sovereignty, and Black liberatory models of sustainability in our communities.
#BreathingRoom Event Series
The #BreathingRoom event series blends performance and political education to build coalitions, raise consciousness, and support healing amongst artists, activists, and neighbors most directly impacted by mass incarceration. #BreathingRoom events feature activists, poets, rappers, political scholars, community organizers, comedians, musicians, burlesque artists, and many other performance genres. We also open our space to community programs to operate healing events, such as Chicago Torture Justice Center and in care of Black women.
Soul Service
Soul Service is an abolitionist healing clinic powered by The #LetUsBreathe Collective (@letusbreathe773), NurturHer (@nurturher) and TBanks (@tbanksmultis). Soul Service is a summer series and recalibration space for Black and Indigenous folks focused on building strength, resilience, and community.
T Banks (@tbanksmultis) and Jennifer Pagan of NurturHer curate each session and collaborate alongside other healers and practitioners to offer a new wellness pop-up each month. Various healing modalities and practices will be available throughout the series, including massage, reiki, capoeira, yoga, meditation, breath work and so much more! The 2024 Soul Service season will also feature a sliding scale Shamonic Reiki clinic with practitioners from the Sistahood of the Black Rose.
Soul Service is free and open to the people of hte global majority (Black, Brown and Indigenous people of color) on the following Saturdays 3-6p CST at #BreathingRoom Gardens & Farm (5045 S. Laflin):
Saturday, June 22
Saturday, July 6
Saturday, July 20
Saturday, August 3
Saturday, September 7
Saturday, September 28
Pod Squad
The Pod Squad - a paid in-person youth summer apprenticeship facilitated by E’mon Lauren (@laurenlikepolo) where 5 youth apprentices work alongside teaching artists to build an artistic portfolio that incorporates ekphrastic art, journalism/community stories, and music/songwriting. Aug 6th-31st. Application opens July 1st!
Open A.I.R.
Open A.I.R., an open mic acronym, used to celebrate and curate our “artists/activists in residency” who use their skills as a moment of radicalizing and honoring the activated stories around us. Monthly programming offers a specially curated workshop from our artists to teach their skillset, an open mic/bonfire, and featured performance. Join us at the bonfire this fall 6-8p: September 17 (workshop) & September 26 (open mic), October 15 (workshop) & October 24 (open mic), November 12 (workshop) & November 21 (open mic)