#FTP Academy
Programming Events
Tribe day
Small-Scale Engagement/Kick-Off Event
Tribe Day is #LetUsBreathe’s quarterly orientation and community outreach series. It features a rotation of vision tours of the space, an orientation to the Collective’s organizing system, performances, workshops, community creation, and healing arts. Each Tribe Day during the Envisioning Justice initiative will highlight the theme of each unit in its workshops, performances, and generative activities.
Freedom Circles
Small-Scale Engagement + Dialogue Event
Freedom Circles are a collaborative initiative with the R3 Coalition (Resist Reimagine Rebuild), an alliance of 30+ social justice organizations convened by Dr. Barbara Ransby, director of the Social Justice Institute at UIC. The R3 Coalition is developing a platform of 5 organizing campaigns that constitute a Freedom City; Freedom Circles are intimate community dinner dialogues exploring the Freedom City platform and highlighting the theme of that session’s Envisioning Justice unit. Breathing Room will be one of several R3 Coalition members who will host Freedom Circles in Chicago in 2018, plugging Envisioning Justice unit themes into a citywide network of organizations resisting systemic injustice.
#Breathingroom series
Open House/Large-Scale Culminating Event
The Breathing Room event series is the #LetUsBreathe Collective’s flagship program that blends performance and political education to build coalition and raise consciousness amongst artists, activists, and neighbors most directly impacted by mass incarceration. It features an open mic curated around a different social justice theme each month, with multidisciplinary performances and political ed teach-ins of 4 minutes or less. Breathing Room also features a free meal, free childcare, the Free Store, a generative workshop, and a community canvas. The Breathing Room event series will showcase the culminating work produced in each of the three Envisioning Justice sessions as well as be curated around the corresponding theme.